(Ecclesiastes 11:1-10) The focus verse is (9-10)

Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do. 10 So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy. But remember that youth, with a whole life before you, is meaningless.

Introduction: We have been driven by our culture to relate with other people and this has built the mindset that without others we can’t fulfill God’s purpose. Our parents keep emphasizing that we need to get along with people, get along with other kids, neighbors, and all. We have been told to always get along with people but don’t really know the right way to get along with people.

Our focus has been driven to interpersonal relationships – a social connection or affiliation between two or more people. While we have been deceived from the other one that matters, “intrapersonal relationship – a process by which an individual communicates within themselves, acting as both sender and receiver which simply means discovery oneself.

You cannot handle interpersonal relationship until you settle down and have some deep intrapersonal relationship, but our culture doesn’t teach that. Many people has never hear their parent saying “boy/girl, why don’t you love yourself?” What the absence of this does to us from childhood is that it creates the sense of not loving, believing, and appreciating oneself.

Why intrapersonal before interpersonal relationship is because if you don’t love and appreciates yourself or have the knowledge of who you are or your value, you can’t do the same for others.


  1. Is for you to discover yourself – 1 Peter 4:1-4; 1 John 4:4
  2. Find God and Love Him – Proverbs 8:35; “17”
  3. Find God’s purpose for your life – Romans 8:28-32,
  4. Prayer and communion with God, building a relationship with God
  5. Is to Love, find, understand and value yourself: Putting the highest estimation to yourself, and appreciating yourself so much that you can share yourself with someone else but our culture doesn’t teach that.


A lot of people believe that they can’t succeed in life or fulfill God’s purpose without getting married. It’s a lie from the pit of hell. Marriage is not a requirement for fulfilling your purpose in life, marriage is good, and is to crown your singleness, productivities, and multiplication with glory – if you rush in, you might run out! And guess what? God hates divorce! (Malachi 2:16; Matthew 19:3-10) so divorce is not a choice.

And if you are a divorcee, who has because one reason or the other divorce your partner, I get some good news for you. God didn’t say he hate divorcees, rather He says He hate the act of divorce; Whichever, His mercy ever sure on your life. He loves you, He’s waiting for you on the other side to rewrite your story for you! Just like the prodigal son. You can’t live and die with a violent man or woman, so you need to let go of the past and accept the love of Christ for you to start again.

God hates divorce!

Yes, He said some things about divorce in Deuteronomy 24:1-4 but in Malachi 2:16= He hates divorce, so don’t rush into it and say after all God said in Deuteronomy that I can divorce, so if my man or woman refuse to behave well, I will just go for divorce. God hates divorce.

For those people who are watching me or listening to me online, who have because of one reason or the other divorce their partner, be calm, I get some good news for you. God didn’t say I hate divorcees, rather He said says He hates the act of divorce; Whichever, His mercy ever sure on your life. He loves you, He’s waiting for you on the other side to rewrite your story for you! Just like the prodigal son.


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